*Damn Yankees


Please note that our legacy shows don’t align with current production quality standards. Furthermore, these legacy shows are exclusively available through ROCS|Player, a limited playback tool. While ROCS|Player supports essential playback functionalities, it does not include the advanced features present in our more recent playback systems. Users might experience limitations in performance and usability with this tool.



“Damn Yankees” is a musical comedy that tells the story of a middle-aged baseball fanatic named Joe Boyd, whose loyalty to the perpetually losing Washington Senators leads him to make a desperate deal with the devil. The devil, appearing as the suave Mr. Applegate, offers Joe the chance to become Joe Hardy, a young baseball superstar who can help the Senators win against the Yankees. Joe accepts the deal but with an escape clause: he must decide by the final game of the season whether to return to his old life or stay young and successful forever, at the cost of his soul.

As Joe Hardy becomes the savior of the Senators, his presence transforms the team’s fortunes, drawing them closer to the championship. Meanwhile, Joe struggles with his double life and growing feelings for a young reporter named Gloria Thorpe while his wife, Meg, pines for her missing husband. With the deadline for his decision approaching, Joe seeks a way out of his pact, leading to a high-stakes confrontation with Applegate. The story culminates in a dramatic resolution that explores themes of ambition, love, and redemption, all wrapped up in the nostalgic charm of America’s favorite pastime.



This show is available in the following formats:



  • Coming soon…



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