Request Bid

Are you looking for your next musical production? Well, you’ve come to the right place! To get a bid for how much your musical production will cost, here is how it works:

Endorsed Shows:

  • Check out our Shows page to see what’s available. Feel free to use the search to find your favorite titles!
  • Once you’re ready to pick, reach out directly to the corresponding licensing company listed on Shows page for pricing.
  • When you submit your order and obtain your licensing agreement with the licensing company, we will reach out with your access codes and info to get started!

Legacy/ Other Shows:

  • Check out the following sections on our Shows page to see what’s available:
    • Endorsed by Dramatic Publishing
    • Legacy Shows
    • Other Available Shows
  • For these shows, complete the form below and we will contact you with a quote.
  • When you order, we will verify that you have obtained a licensing agreement with the corresponding licensing company.

Email us at if you have any questions!

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