In today’s busy world, scheduling sufficient time to rehearse music with your cast is tough. With Show|Ready, you can virtually send your music director home with every member of your cast! The best part? They can access their rehearsal tracks from their mobile device!
Show|Ready’s intuitive interface allows you to quickly change keys, adjust tempos, make cuts, and add vamps, repeats, and caesuras to your tracks. You can then save your session for further editing, or instantly send your changes out to your cast and crew so they can practice the latest version of the show. All shows include piano, bass, drums, click and vocal parts for individuals and ensembles. Cast members can mute or solo individual parts so everyone can hear exactly what they need, at any time, to help them learn the music. A digital copy of the piano/conductor score lets them follow along with the music.

Show|Ready Overview
Show|Ready Demo

There are two ways you can download the software:
- For mobile devices, go to your app store and search for Show|Ready.
- For desktops, go to the Show|Ready downloads page.
Once downloaded, you can use this authorization code to unlock the cast version of Show|Ready to see how it works!