The Grease School Edition is a youth-friendly adaptation of the beloved musical Grease, tailored specifically for middle and high school students. This version keeps the energetic rock ‘n’ roll vibe, catchy songs, and the spirit of 1950s nostalgia intact while making adjustments to language and themes to be more suitable for younger audiences. Set in 1959 at Rydell High, the story follows the lives of the “greaser” Danny Zuko and the “good girl” Sandy Dumbrowski, who navigate teenage love and peer pressure with the support—and occasional rivalry—of the Pink Ladies and T-Birds. The show captures the joys and struggles of growing up, celebrating individuality and friendship along the way.
This show is available in the following formats:
- Show|Ready (rehearsal tool)
- Stage|Tracks (performance tool)
You can license this show through Theatrical Rights Worldwide: Grease: School Edition.