“Annie” is a heartwarming musical that tells the story of a plucky young orphan girl living in New York City during the Great Depression. Despite her harsh circumstances at the Municipal Orphanage run by the tyrannical Miss Hannigan, Annie maintains an unwavering optimism that she will one day be reunited with her parents. Her luck takes a turn when she is chosen to spend the Christmas holidays at the lavish home of billionaire Oliver Warbucks. Through her infectious charm and indomitable spirit, Annie touches the hearts of Warbucks and his staff, leading to a series of adventures as they search for Annie’s parents and discover the true meaning of family.
Set against the backdrop of 1930s New York City, “Annie” is a timeless tale of hope, resilience, and the power of love to overcome adversity. With its catchy musical numbers, memorable characters, and poignant themes, “Annie” continues to captivate audiences of all ages, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, a little optimism can go a long way.
This show is available in the following formats:
- Stage|Tracks (performance tool)
- Stage|Tracks Lite (limited performance tool)
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