“Brigadoon” is a timeless musical set in the misty Scottish Highlands. The story revolves around two American tourists, Tommy Albright and Jeff Douglas, who stumble upon the mysterious village of Brigadoon during their hunting trip. To their astonishment, they soon discover that Brigadoon appears only once every hundred years, emerging from the mist for a single day before disappearing back into the past. Tommy falls deeply in love with Fiona, a local lass, but their romance faces a dilemma: if he stays in Brigadoon, he must leave behind his life in the modern world forever. As the day draws to a close, Tommy must make a heart-wrenching decision that will determine his fate and the destiny of Brigadoon itself.
With lush melodies and enchanting choreography, “Brigadoon” is a celebration of love, fate, and the magic of the unknown. As Tommy grapples with his feelings for Fiona and his longing for his old life, the villagers of Brigadoon confront their own desires and the consequences of living in a world frozen in time. Through captivating songs like “Almost Like Being in Love” and “The Heather on the Hill,” “Brigadoon” transports audiences to a realm where love transcends time and where the power of belief can shape destiny.
This show is available in the following formats:
- Stage|Tracks (performance tool)
- Stage|Tracks Lite (limited performance tool)
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