Chicago: Teen Edition is an adapted version of the classic musical Chicago, originally written by John Kander and Fred Ebb, with choreography by Bob Fosse. Set during the Roaring Twenties, this version follows Roxie Hart, a young aspiring performer who ends up in jail after committing a crime, hoping it will be her ticket to fame. Alongside her is Velma Kelly, another showbiz hopeful who finds herself in the same predicament, and both women try to outshine each other with the help of the smooth-talking lawyer Billy Flynn. The show dives into themes like ambition, friendship, and the power of media, capturing the excitement and struggle of chasing dreams.
This show is available in the following formats:
- Show|Ready (rehearsal tool)
- Stage|Tracks (performance tool)
You can license this show through Concord Theatricals: Chicago: Teen.