“Lucky Stiff” is a hilarious and zany musical comedy that follows the misadventures of Harry Witherspoon, a mild-mannered shoe salesman who unexpectedly inherits $6 million from his deceased uncle. However, there’s a catch – in order to claim the inheritance, Harry must fulfill his uncle’s bizarre final wish: take his corpse on a wild vacation to Monte Carlo. As Harry tries to navigate the absurdity of the situation, he encounters a slew of eccentric characters, including a mysterious femme fatale, a dogged detective, and a quirky optometrist. With mistaken identities, madcap chases, and toe-tapping musical numbers, “Lucky Stiff” is a whirlwind farce that keeps audiences laughing from start to finish.
Set against the glamorous backdrop of Monte Carlo, “Lucky Stiff” is a rollicking adventure filled with romance, intrigue, and plenty of surprises. As Harry races against time to fulfill his uncle’s final wish and claim his inheritance, he finds himself embroiled in a series of madcap escapades that test his limits and challenge his sense of morality. With catchy tunes and clever lyrics, “Lucky Stiff” delivers a blend of slapstick humor and heartwarming moments that make it a must-see musical for audiences of all ages.
This show is available in the following formats:
- Stage|Tracks (performance tool)
- Stage|Tracks Lite (limited performance tool)
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