Ride the Cyclone is a dark comedy musical that tells the story of six teenagers from the St. Cassian Chamber Choir who die in a tragic roller coaster accident. The musical is set in a warehouse-like purgatory, where they are given a chance by a mechanical fortune-teller named Karnak to compete for a single opportunity to return to life.
Through the competition, the characters explore themes of life, death, regret, and hope. Each teen performs their unique song, revealing their innermost desires and the reasons they believe they should be the one to return. Ultimately, the decision is made in a surprising and poignant manner, with Constance being chosen by her peers to return, recognizing her selflessness and the unfulfilled potential of her life.
“Ride the Cyclone” blends humor, poignancy, and surreal elements to deliver a touching exploration of the human condition and the choices we make. The musical’s eclectic score features a variety of styles, reflecting the diverse personalities of the characters.
This show is available in the following formats:
- Show|Ready (rehearsal tool)
- Stage|Tracks (performance tool)
- Stage|Tracks Lite (limited performance tool)
You can license this show through Broadway Licensing: Ride the Cyclone.