Samantha Spade, Ace Detective is a black-and-white musical that intertwines film noir and detective story elements, following the tale of Samantha, a 13-year-old outsider sent to musical theatre camp with her sister Trish. When a vital prop, a chocolate maltball falcon, vanishes and Samantha is unjustly blamed, she escapes into her passion for old detective films, assuming the persona of Samantha Spade, a detective who cracks cases for $25 a day plus Twizzlers.
Her first case, spurred by Veronica Venus, a glamorous actress whose boyfriend Senator John D. Rockababy has gone missing, leads Samantha into a world of dubious characters like dames and grifters. Samantha ultimately solves the case, returning to reality just in time to unravel the mystery of the maltball falcon’s disappearance. Critics laud the production’s engaging narrative, suitable for all ages, and its adept blend of action and satire, particularly praising its memorable musical score and witty interpretation of the hard-boiled detective genre.
This show is available in the following formats:
- Show|Ready (rehearsal tool)
- Stage|Tracks (performance tool)
- Stage|Tracks Lite (limited performance tool)
You can license this show through Concord Theatricals: Samantha Spade, Ace Detective.