“Seussical” is a whimsical musical that brings to life the beloved characters and stories of Dr. Seuss. Set in the fantastical world of the Cat in the Hat, the story follows Horton the Elephant as he embarks on a journey to protect the tiny planet of Who from destruction. Along the way, he encounters a colorful cast of characters including Gertrude McFuzz, a bird with a one-feather tail, the Sour Kangaroo, and the mischievous Thing 1 and Thing 2. As Horton faces challenges and ridicule from those around him, he learns the importance of standing up for what he believes in and the true meaning of friendship.
Through lively musical numbers and vibrant staging, “Seussical” explores themes of imagination, loyalty, and the power of believing in oneself. Audiences of all ages are taken on an enchanting adventure filled with catchy tunes, heartwarming moments, and the timeless wisdom of Dr. Seuss. With its message of acceptance and the celebration of individuality, “Seussical” reminds us that no matter how small we may feel, our actions can have a big impact on the world around us.
This show is available in the following formats:
- Stage|Tracks (performance tool)
- Stage|Tracks Lite (limited performance tool)
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