Something’s Afoot

Something's Afoot

Something’s Afoot is now available on our Show|Ready and Stage|Tracks lineup of shows!

It’s 1935. A butler, a maid, and a handyman are preparing a country mansion for the arrival of guests. Lord Dudley Rancour, their employer, is having a dinner party at his English estate. Shortly after the guests arrive, the butler announces that a storm has trapped them at the estate. Soon the power is in danger of going out, Lord Rancour is dead, and dinner is served.

With that, the whodunit begins. Something’s Afoot is a zany, entertaining show that takes a satirical poke at Agatha Christie mysteries and musical styles of past years.

Hear a sample of our Stage Tracks performance tracks for this show below:

Contact Concord to obtain tracks for this show.

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