“Tarzan,” a musical adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ timeless story “Tarzan of the Apes” and the popular Disney animated film, plunges into the heart of the African jungle where a shipwreck leaves a baby orphaned. This child, Tarzan, is found and raised by a tribe of gorillas, particularly by the compassionate and protective Kala, who adopts him despite the skepticism of her mate, Kerchak, the tribe’s leader. As Tarzan grows, he struggles with his identity, torn between his human instincts and the gorilla ways, forming a unique but challenging bridge between two worlds.
The arrival of explorers from the civilized world, including the curious and adventurous young woman, Jane Porter, catalyzes Tarzan’s inner conflict. As Jane teaches Tarzan about human culture, they develop a deep bond, complicating Tarzan’s place within the gorilla community and sparking tension with Kerchak, who fears humans. Ultimately, Tarzan must decide where he truly belongs. With music by Phil Collins, including the Grammy-winning hit “You’ll Be in My Heart,” the musical weaves a captivating tale of family, identity, and love, set against a lush, vibrant backdrop that promises an enthralling theatrical experience.
This show is available in the following formats:
- Stage|Tracks (performance tool)
- Stage|Tracks Lite (limited performance tool)
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