“Urinetown” is a satirical musical set in a dystopian future where a severe water shortage has led to a government-enforced ban on private toilets. Instead, citizens must use public amenities regulated by a corrupt corporation, the Urine Good Company (UGC), which profits from people’s basic need to relieve themselves. The story follows Bobby Strong, a young man who works for the poorest public restroom in town. When he falls in love with Hope Cladwell, the daughter of the UGC’s CEO, he becomes embroiled in a rebellion against the oppressive system. As tensions rise between the impoverished citizens and the ruling class, Bobby must navigate morality, love, and revolution in a world where even the most basic human needs are commodified.
With its witty humor, catchy songs, and biting social commentary, “Urinetown” explores themes of capitalism, environmentalism, and social justice. Through its absurd premise and memorable characters, the musical challenges audiences to question the consequences of unchecked corporate power and the importance of individual agency in the face of oppression. Ultimately, “Urinetown” delivers a thought-provoking message about the value of freedom and the power of collective action in the fight for a more equitable society.
This show is available in the following formats:
- Stage|Tracks (performance tool)
- Stage|Tracks Lite (limited performance tool)
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