Disenchanted! is a satirical musical comedy that serves as a hilarious parody of classic fairy tale princesses. Written by Dennis T. Giacino, the show reimagines iconic characters like Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty, presenting them in a modern and irreverent light. Through witty dialogue and catchy songs, the princesses express their frustration with the traditional, often patriarchal narratives that have defined their stories for generations. The musical challenges stereotypes and explores themes of empowerment, self-acceptance, and the pursuit of true happiness beyond the confines of a fairy tale ending.
Since its debut, “Disenchanted!” has received praise for its clever writing, strong performances, and fresh perspective on beloved characters. The show has toured extensively, captivating audiences with its blend of humor and thought-provoking commentary. Its success lies in its ability to entertain while simultaneously critiquing societal expectations placed on women. By giving the princesses a voice to share their discontent and aspirations, Disenchanted! offers a refreshing and empowering take on the fairy tale genre, making it a standout in contemporary musical theater.
This show is available in the following formats:
- Show|Ready (rehearsal tool)
- Stage|Tracks (performance tool)
- Stage|Tracks Lite (limited performance tool)
You can license this show through Broadway Licensing: Disenchanted!